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Final Reflection


             In the beginning of the semester, I found the idea of genre a very broad and confusing topic to learn about. This was very evident in my performance during the first project, in which I had a very difficult time coming up with the proper genres to discuss within my community. It was only through a long and tedious process of me looking up what the topic of genre encompassed and what would be considered an acceptable genre, that I was able to grasp my topic and what I was going to describe in my paper. Once it came to the time of me needing to write a second paper, which was a research paper, I felt that I had a better understanding of what I needed to discuss. For this paper, I discussed the general methods of communication for freshman, since I myself am a student and that researching this topic wouldn’t be too difficult, due to the fact that the different forms of communication were indeed genres. Once I finished this project, I needed to do the third and final project, in which I would need to be creative in the genres that I used to promote my campaign of teaching students how to communicate with their professors. This project was the easiest for me, because I fully understood the meaning of genre and which ones are commonly used to promote campaigns on the campus of Florida State University. Overall, I feel that I have learned the full meaning of genre.

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